Mars is your energy: How Astrological Mars Influences Your Life

One thing I’ve learned about my  work ethic is that I need a change of pace occasionally. I found that I’m more productive, more interested, and more motivated when I can work on multiple things at a time and if I can quickly move from project to project. My experience in research has been a great testament to this; I do well when an experiment has multiple, moving parts, and many steps versus more simplified experiments. Once I was running 3 different types of experiments at once… What did I think I was doing? I can thank my Mars sign and placement for this amazing (and sometimes toxic) trait. So what is the planet Mars all about and how does it influence us?

What does it mean to have Mars in the birth chart, and how can we work with its energy?

The fiery red planet Mars is a symbol of strength, courage, and action. In astrology, Mars represents our drive, ambition, and ability to assert ourselves in the world. By understanding where Mars lies in our birth charts, we can gain greater insight into our motivations and work with this energy to pursue our goals with passion and purpose.

Mars is the ruler of Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, and is associated with the element of fire. As such, it represents our innate urges and  passion. Mars is the planet of action and assertiveness, urging us to be bold and pursue our desires.

When Mars is prominent in our birth chart, it can indicate a strong drive to succeed and compete. An unbalanced or overactive Mars energy can lead to impatience and aggression. We should strive to channel this energy in healthy ways, through physical exercise, creative pursuits, and through assertive and bold ways of living.

The sign and house placement of Mars in the birth chart gives us insight on how we express our assertiveness and ambition. For example, someone with Mars in Aries may be more impulsive and quick to take action, while someone with Mars in Taurus may be just as determined but slow to take action. Similarly, the house placement of Mars can indicate the area of life where we are most driven and assertive. Mars in the 10th house, for instance, can indicate a strong desire for career success, while its placement in the 3rd house represents strong desires related to being communicative and analytical.

If you don’t know the sign or placement of your Mars, you can use these sites to generate your free birth chart (You need your time, location, and date of birth): Cafe Astrology Website, Astrodienst Website, TimePassages mobile app

Your birth chart will have a lot of information that can be overwhelming at first, but check out this guide, Important Parts of Your Birth Chart You Need to Know, as a starting point. Read on to see what Mars in the 12 zodiac signs represents. If you find this insightful at all, or would like to learn more—message me! Maybe we’ll cover Mars in the different houses to see what part of your life Mars has most of its influence. 

These general interpretations are from The Mars Book: A Guide to Your Personal Energy and Motivation by Donna Van Toen. Please check out that book for more details about your Mars placement! Remember, this is just a starting point! Continue researching to form your own interpretations about what your placements mean for your life.

Mars in each Zodiac sign

Mars in Aries: High mental, emotional, physical, and practical energy levels. You exude primarily physical and spontaneous types of energies, and it’s mostly used for leading and pioneering. Though you may lack humility, patience, and self-control, your strengths are in being courageous and independent. 

Mars in Taurus: Moderate to high practical & emotional energy levels; low mental and physical energy levels. You exude stable, persistent energy, and it’s mostly used for building and accumulating things and keeping things as they are. Though you may lack flexibility, inner drive, and physical energy, your strengths are in stability, craftsmanship, and loyalty. 

Mars in Gemini: High mental energy. Moderate physical energy. Low practical energy. Variable and erratic emotional energy. You exude fluctuating and nervous types of energies, and it’s mostly used for learning, talking, and writing. Though you may fall short on having depth, calmness, and being able to follow through on things, your strengths are in being witty, spontaneous, and alert. 

Mars in Cancer: High emotional energy. Low to moderate physical and practical energy. Low mental energy. You exude mostly emotional, sympathetic, and subtle types of energies used mostly for home activities and gaining security. Though you may lack spontaneity, perspective, and direction—your strengths are in your instincts, your feelings, and your ability to be nurturing. 

Mars in Leo: High physical energy. Moderate practical and mental energies. Low to moderate emotional energy. You exude confident, enthusiastic, and dramatic energies, which you use mostly for entertaining and being a leader/boss. Though you might lack humility and the ability to take the back seat, your strengths are in your generosity, leadership abilities, and your enthusiasm. 

Mars in Virgo: High practical energy. Moderate to high mental energies. Moderate physical energy. Low emotional energy. You exude disciplined, efficient and service-oriented energies, and you mostly use it for helping people, finding flaws in things, and for reasoning. Though you might lack imagination, enthusiasm, and the ability to not be so hung up on the details—you’re great at being selfless and very technical. You really know how to make things happen!

Mars in Libra: High mental energy levels. Low to moderate physical energy levels. Low practical & emotional energy levels. You exude very chill, pleasant, and social energy, which you mostly use to be a  mediator in situations or to be diplomatic. Though you might like the ability to make decisions for yourself, independence, and loyalty— you’re cooperative, fair, and great at compromising. 

Mars in Scorpio: High physical, emotional, mental, and practical energy levels. You exude energy that is very bold, persistent, and probing; you mostly use it to understand things, find what’s hidden, and to be the one running things behind the scenes. Though you lack the ability to be open, adaptable, and forgiving—you’re very dedicated and great at being intentional. 

Mars in Sagittarius: High physical energy levels. Moderate mental and emotional energy levels. Low practical energy levels. You exude erratic, experimental, and freeing energies, which you use mostly to gamble (literally and figuratively), give advice, or publish. Though you might lack consistency, endurance, and the ability to differentiate things, your strengths are in being optimistic and enthusiastic. 

Mars in Capricorn: High practical energy levels. Moderate physical and mental energy levels. Low to moderate emotional energies. You exude mostly practical, enduring, success-driven energy, and it’s mostly used for planning, organizing, and overcoming feeling unloved. Though you may lack humility, and aren’t the friendliest person in the world and could probably take a chill pill—you’re very ambitious, respectful towards others, and responsible.

Mars in Aquarius: High mental energy. Moderate practical energy. Low to moderate emotional energy. Low physical energy. You exude very dynamic, scientific, truth-seeking energies, and you mostly use it to find the truth and for humanitarian causes. Though you may lack empathy, respect for traditions, and ability to comply—you’re great at being independent, original, and friendly. 

Mars in Pisces: High and erratic emotional energy levels. Moderate mental energy levels. Low to moderate physical energy levels. Low practical energy levels. You embody energy that is erratic, intuitive, and unifying, and you use it to serve others and find solutions. Though you may lack consistency, and having goals—your strengths are in being imaginative, receptive, and charitable.

Make sure you check out the book or other resources to learn more about your Mars placement!

keywords: mars in the birth chart, mars placements, astrology, astrology birth chart interpretation