You Should Give Yourself More Credit

Do you actively take note of all the work you do? Not just job work, but self work, family work, relationship work—anything you spend your energy on. 

It’s so easy to look outward and notice everybody doing any- and everything; associates making big-kid purchases,  colleagues starting businesses, everybody just living life deliciously. Considering the chaos that had us shooketh the past couple of years (whether you’ve moved past it or still living out the harsh realities that have persisted) on top of showing up for your loved ones, for your career, the whole shebang— it behooves you to acknowledge all the good you’ve done and the progress you’ve made. Whether you’re starting a business or minding your business, I just want us to all think more deeply and appreciate all that we have actually done. 

Here, we’ll discuss WHY you should credit yourself more and HOW you can put it into action. Let’s get into it.

3 reasons why you should give yourself more credit

1. You probably actually deserve it. 

When was the last time you reflected on how you’ve grown, changed, or adjusted to ANYTHING going on in your life? (We all have something going on so don’t ponder too long.) Think about one challenge you’ve had recently. Did you overcome that challenge? If not, there’s probably a reason why, but hopefully you’ve put some work into getting closer to overcoming it. Whether or not it’s a ton of progress or if it’s as far as you’d like to go is a separate question. Odds are, you’ve probably made some progress on it—that deserves recognition. 

2. You have to value yourself before expecting others to value you. 

Sometimes we’re lucky enough to have others see the light in us that we can’t see ourselves. It’s important that we acknowledge ourselves and value our work because it all starts within; when you believe that you are worthy, you can begin to walk worthy, talk worthy, and everything and everyone around you will feel it. 

3. Times are chaotic. To be up and going is a blessing in itself, honey.

Even if you haven’t yet reached that goal, lost that pound, or sent that letter. You should give yourself more credit because the world and its happenings can be too much sometimes. I feel for all the empaths out there. To have the audacity to keep going, despite any hurdles lying your way, is credible in itself. This is not to condone procrastination or laziness, but to acknowledge that life can be a lot. Hopefully giving yourself credit for simply showing up day to day, will serve as a positive feedback loop for you to continue your progress. 

So you know and trust that you should give yourself more credit. How can you be intentional about it? Keep reading!

4 ways you can give yourself more credit  

1. Count the small things

We don’t have to wait for that big grandiose thing to happen in our lives for us to feel accomplished. Say for instance, you want to start your own business. You could wait for your 100th sale to happen before you have your MOMMA I MADE IT moment. What if that 100th sale takes a year? Two years? You would’ve overlooked all the work you put in up until that point! You could be celebrating the day you purchase materials or the big launch. We deserve credit for all the work we put in. Even the smallest detail can be an integral part to the bigger picture.  

2. Treat yourself

When you count the small things, CELEBRATE! Those small wins deserve their glory too. Having fun and treating yourself along the way toward your journey can ensure you’re staying positive and creating balance for yourself. You spent the whole week working on that grant that’s due—have your hot, bubble bath with that new wine you wanted to try. You just reached the first checkpoint on your exercise journey, go out and flex in that new outfit honey! Celebrating the small things is gonna add some positive reinforcement to your journey. 

3. Brag on you! 

No one likes a brag-a-boo or self-obsessed person, but we should! If someone is truly doing great both inside and out, can you really blame them? The best way to give yourself more credit is to brag on yourself! It’s fair to acknowledge ourselves out loud, especially after we’ve done the work to credit ourselves internally. That doesn’t mean tell the world you make a million dollars a year or that you just got the latest luxury item from the most popping retailer in the country (You could if that’s on your heart—don’t let me stop you). Instead, this means, bragging even in the slightest progress. “Times have been tough, but I’ve been sticking to it”; “Last week was crazy, but I pulled through and did what I needed to do”. This can go hand in hand with counting the small things… but acknowledging it out loud is that next step. Be proud of you! 

4. Surround yourself with people who see you! 

If your circle doesn’t see you or value you, get a new one. A great way to give yourself more credit is to surround yourself with people who recognize your brilliance. This journey is an internal one for sure, but having people who compliment you and give a simple “thank you” every now and then can surely help you along the way.  

Regardless of where we are in life, there’s tons to be grateful for and to look forward to. By giving ourselves a little more credit for all that we do, we can put ourselves in a better position to live a healthy, productive life. How have you been acknowledging your efforts lately? How does it influence your life? Let me know your thoughts. 

Yours truly,
