Hello and Welcome!

You could have been anywhere & you made it here. For that, I am extremely grateful. Thank you!

I’m Taylor, a self-certified thrifter, blogger & a whole scientist.

I’m just trying to encourage a life of love, light & truth—let’s see what we can create together!

I’m currently pursuing my doctorate in plant- and micro-biology (I’ll graduate one of these days). Alongside my studies, I am extremely passionate about mentorship and sharing science in ways everyone can enjoy. 

Outside of work, I’m intentional about exercising my creativity (because BALANCE). Thus, I use my blog to write and connect with others! I love thrifting, spending time with my partner, going to fancy restaurants, reading about astrology and a whole lot of other stuff that you’ll come to learn as you join the community. I also love a good, deep conversation and always advocate for living in honesty and truth. This space is in the growth phase, so bare with me as we get things rolling. Don’t hesitate to reach out because this space is for us, cool?

Consider me your new friend motivating you to keep it real and live as your truest self! Thank you for giving me a visit! 

Love, Taylor

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