In a world full of squares, be a blob: How to embrace your authenticity and stand in who you are despite the world encouraging you not to 

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Where’s the Authenticity?

Merriam-Webster defines authentic as:

  • 1 not false or imitation: real, actual
  • 2 True to one’s own personality, spirit, or character

To be authentic is to be your unapologetic self under any circumstance. Authenticity requires being tapped into your intuition, living by it, and never denying it.

Unfortunately, societal conditioning does not support even finding out who and what you really are. You’re really expected to show up and maybe find what you’re good at, or more commonly find what pays you well and A real life bonus is tapping into who you are and getting paid for it.supports your lifestyle. That’s how we end up in jobs that are literally just to make money. 

Beyond that we’re constantly absorbing what we see in mainstream media, whether it’s through social media or even the movies we watch. We think we want the latest fashion trends… Do you really want that or have the advertisements and multiple people posting about it convinced you that you want it? 

What does it cost to be yourself? 

With trends flying at our faces through our phones screens every second and company’s telling us what latest equipment we need to live happy, healthy lives, how can we truly stand a chance at being who and what we really are? 

Our schools teach us to be complacent, obedient, and discourage both critical and independent thinking. Work culture, despite how hip we want to act like it’s becoming with us millennials having taken over, still perpetuates a systematic code of getting things done. That code discourages individuality and seeks to keep people in line to get the job done. Society, in general, promotes us fitting into a box. In that box, we are discouraged from living authentically and pushed toward living lives that are promoted by the people with the big bucks and even bigger influence.

For some, it would arguably take more energy to unravel the conditioning society places on us than to do the work to exist free of any conformity. However, imagine how freeing it would be if we would let our true selves out at all times.

What does it cost to be yourself though? It costs the time it takes to be reflective and truly understand yourself. If you don’t, it’ll only cost you your soul. While it may be more work for some to admit who and what they are and live by it, for others the opposite might be true. It’s much harder for them not to live as the highest expression of themselves– it makes them sick, to not be who they are. I’ve found that I myself am the latter. It might cost you friends and family to be your complete authentic self. It might mean you become a solitary person, navigating the world solo dolo because you don’t fit in. But it pays in freedom. 

Does your work make you happy? Do you feel like you? Are you happy with the life you live? Is your lifestyle yours or someone else’s? Is your life (your friends, acquaintances, hobbies, work, etc) a genuine reflection of you or have you let the world curate your life for you?

Honestly, these aren’t questions for the squares of the world, to be honest. In fact, if you feel uncomfortable with these questions or even answer too fast with a “of course i’m happy, of course my life is my own”—I sincerely encourage you to reflect and be honest. 

We are so easily impressionable. So naturally, we absorb what we see around us. Remember that you are the only one who can be YOU and that is your superpower. Embrace who you are. Even if your way of living and your opinions differ greatly from most people—be that blob in a world full of squares and own it. Release yourself from the conditional edges society has placed onto you, and feel free to spread out as far and wide as you see fit. 

3 Ways to be Your Authentic Self

1. Self-Study

  • You have to take time to understand yourself. At first glance, it might appear that we know ourselves well, after all, you’ve been you since the day you were born. However, because of all that societal conditioning, we tend to pick up habits and ways of thinking and existing that aren’t actually reflections of who we really are. We have to be intentional about getting to know ourselves. To know yourself, is to love yourself. A good way to become more familiar with yourself is to reflect often and be critical of all the decisions you make. Ask yourself, is this me, or is this my conditioning?
  • Understand your astrological birth chart. Your birth chart is literally your cheat code in life. It’s the blueprint of the sky the moment you were born and can help you interpret your different ways of existing. It’s fun to study and can be a great way to help you articulate things you’ve struggled to say or understand about yourself. Use your birth chart as a tool to validate the things you’ve always wanted for yourself (it’ll cover that) but also use it to identify how you might hold yourself back from being who you are. Check out this “understanding the birth chart” starter pack. You’re welcome!

2. Heal and activate your throat chakra

  • Chakras are energy centers located throughout our bodies. The concept of chakras are largely Indian in origin and are useful for understanding everyday life as their activation can be used for healing. Chakra energy healing and activation is useful for physical health as well as spiritual, emotional, and mental health. The throat chakra is the 5th chakra, located in your throat. It’s responsible for outward expression and confidence. Check out these powerful throat chakra affirmations. Say these daily and watch your life change! If you need a daily reminder—check out these Throat Chakra Affirmation Poster Prints!

3. Stand on Business

  • Last but not least–stand on business. You have to have unshakeable, unbreakable, relentless faith in yourself. No flaking on you. Period.  

what is authenticity, how to live authentically, embrace authenticity, how to be yourself, how to be authentic