Lift the valve and let it flow: getting out of your own way and just doing it

The only thing that can stop you is yourself. The only thing, ever. Remove your mental blockages and let what’s inside of you pour out. Finally give your ideas the chance to flow and grow!

I found myself doing it again. Ruminating on the ever-persisting question of my life: what am i doing? Is this right? I’ll try not to be embarrassed about this but I ask myself questions around this often and answer myself often too. But why does it keep coming back? I suppose it’s its good, and natural, to reevaluate every now and then. It keeps things in order and keeps you on track, I’d say. 

That I’d posed the question yet again meant 1) I needed reassurance and 2) there must be something out of line for that question to even prevail. I’m working on the assurance thing. After spending my entire life valuing outside validation and approval, I‘d say it’s ok to check in with myself from time to time to be my own source of validation. I’d much rather check in with me and approve myself than seek it elsewhere. And like we mentioned earlier, sometimes ya just need a little reminder to keep it fresh. But that the question came up in the first place, to me, also indicates an imaginary waving flag signal. A little message from above, if you will. *ping!*, you’ve got mail from soul: a little confusion arising because you’re not doing what you’re supposed to* 

I think we’ve discussed being out of alignment in a previous post. That was about being out of whack and it showing itself in your immediate environment. What I’m trying to get at this time though is not necessarily being out of whack, but rather acknowledging that you could be doing more. You see, it came to me that I was asking that question again but the answers were all around me. In my imagination, in my way of living, in my dress, in how I show up in the world. I’d posed that question to myself again because there was a disconnect between what I thought I should be doing, what I imagined myself doing, and what I was actually doing. Whew, that was a lot. 

Every single idea and thought we have has intention behind it, whether we are aware of it or not. We all have tons of ideas and each one has potential to grow into something grand so long as we’re willing to give it life. I was questioning myself because I hadn’t yet defined my way of bringing my ideas to life. Or even updating the ideas and my current way of thinking or prioritizing them for that matter. So that left me feeling like I didn’t know what I was doing. 

The truth is, sometimes you just have to get out of your own way. Let loose, if you will. We can spend countless hours sifting through all the details, but why, if you’re going to adjust as you go anyway? Here’s the message: 

You have to lift the valve first and let it flow. Imagine that your mind is a tank and ideas fill up in your tank as they come to you. Lifting the valve is the action you take to let it out and let it flow. 

That’s the beginning. From there, it’ll grow (whatever it is). Simply letting it out will set you on a path of least resistance— don’t force it because it is what it is. And it comes out a beautiful masterpiece. I am where I am because I lifted the valve on certain ideas. And everything that transpired after letting it flow served as some sort of stepping stone to get right here right now. None of it is in vain. Don’t get tripped up by the details—they’ll sort themselves out. Every idea you have is an indicator. The signs are all around you; in nature, in your home, in your current plans, in how you present yourself in the world. 

We keep asking questions. Whole time we had all the answers. Don’t question it—whatever it is that you’re trying to achieve. If you do— check yourself: maybe you just need to validate within yourself and that’s ok do that! But sometimes it’s because something within us IS in fact trying to check us… Something in you is telling you to stop wasting your time. You know what you need to be doing. Get out of your own way and do it.