If you wanna go deep, then DIG!: Highlights from my trip to Paris, France

L’Inspiration (The Inspiration)

If you ask me why I went to Paris, I would give you two very simple answers: I wanted to take an international trip in 2023 and because the Eiffel Tower is on my vision board. Yes, I made a vision board for 2023, don’t judge. For me to have ended up in Paris of all places, it looks like it’s working if you ask me.

My partner and I knew this year would be the beginning of our worldly travel together. I call him “international bull” with his ever-growing knowledge of different countries fueled by his soccer passion and appetite for history. Me, on the other hand, I find that I enjoy learning about different walks of life—experiencing different environments and cultures sits well with my soul. That formula sits us in a good place for travel and that’s exactly what we set out to do. Paris was our first foreign excursion together, with many more to come.    

L’expérience (The Experience)

My visit to Paris, France was good. And I will give it that because while it was a new environment to soak up and explore, at the end of the day–it gave big city vibes, contrary to what the locals think of the place. At this point in my travel life, I’m familiar with the big city energy and what it does for me. I love the hustle and bustle: street action pouring through the window at night, squeezing through people on the train, being quick on the sidewalk to get through crowds of people, and the best part of all—the diversity of international foods. Yes, please! But on this trip to Paris, I realized I was looking for a little bit more, looking for something a little deeper. 

Perhaps I need to spend time in the Himalayas or something of the like, I’m not sure. What I know is, I feel that I want a part of my mind to be unlocked and to have my understanding of what it means to be a person living on this planet to be challenged or enlightened. Some locals also suggested that traveling for a longer time, perhaps a month, would do that. I wouldn’t say I’m in the position for a month-long vacation (yet) but I understand the need to stay in a place long enough to have that sort of mind-opening experience. Fortunately, I did carve out time on the trip to go a bit deeper and learn a few things.

Minus that realization, Paris had much to offer. From the beautiful scenery to the endless variety of foods, the “small” (as the locals would put it) city was definitely worth visiting and I’d absolutely go back if I had the chance. Paris taught me a few things on my visit: 1) don’t drink tap water when traveling; 2) People in other places are still people— they have their quirks and defining factors that set them apart from others, but at the end of the day we are simply people; 3) I’m looking forward to the transformative, immersive trips that lie ahead. 

There’s much to see and do in the beautiful Paris.

Here’s a few things to do on your next trip to Paris, France!

Dining all over the world… à Paris.

I don’t care where I’m going, food will always be a top priority of my trip. Paris is amazing because there are so many restaurants and they are all over! Given that it’s a hub for immigration, there are tons of international cuisines too. You really won’t be able to get enough. 

French cuisine is… interesting. It’s nothing too crazy but still worth trying. I wasn’t going to visit France without having French food! Bouillon restaurants are local favorites and are apparently making a comeback. They’ve been around for awhile, having served factory workers affordable food options back in the day. If you want to try traditional French cuisine that’s cost friendly, Bouillons are your place. 

Other than French food, we had Italian, Senegalese, Indian, and more Italian (I should probably go there next, huh?). There’s lots of options and you’re sure to find what you want. But whatever you do… don’t eat the burgers unless you like it cooked medium.

Le Tourisme (Sightseeing) 

Paris is filled with beautiful, breathtaking buildings. Whether it’s housing apartments or historical sights like the Basilique, you’re sure to be blown away by the fascinating architecture. 

La Tour Eiffel (The Eiffel Tower) was quite the site to see. Not to sell it short of its glory, but simply put— it’s huge. You can reserve a time to walk up the Eiffel or go visit and have a picnic for no cost. This structure is beautiful and is definitely worth a photo op. 

La Basilique du Sacré Cœur de Montmartre (The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris) is definitely a must-see. Located in the beautiful neighborhood, Montmartre, the Basilique sits atop a hill with a brilliant view of Paris. Truly a fascinating place. 

Viewing the Obelisque de Louxor (Luxor Obelisk) was fascinating! Originally from Egypt, this structure was a “gift” from the Ottoman Empire and is placed in an interesting location in Paris. I’ll let you visit and learn more about its placement so as to not spoil the tea. 

Musées (Museums)

There are plenty of museums to explore in Paris. One place that’s a must is The Louvre. It’s absolutely fascinating and busy, so be prepared to wait in line even with tickets. The museum is grand in size so bring a snack and water because there’s much to see. Good luck finding Mona lisa!

Visites (Tours)

When my partner and I travel we really like to do non-touristy excursions. Our few exceptions include visiting museums and taking tours. Two tours I recommend while in Paris are a hiking trip through small towns outside Paris and a Black History Tour of the city. 

Footsteps of Van Gogh, a 6-hour hiking trip in Pontoise was the highlight of the trip. Remember when I said I was looking for a bit more? Well this was it. If you love art and nature, you’d love this hike. Check out this Hiking Outside Paris post to see the beautiful scenery of Pontoise! 

I also recommend taking a Black tour any time you have a chance. We took a tour that covered the Caribbean, African, and African American presence throughout Paris. Josephine Baker, Malcolm X, Richard Wright and James Baldwin were just a few of the amazing people covered on the tour. 

Les Friperies (The Thrift Stores)

Sustainable style is a hallmark of my life. There’s no way I can stay a place a week without going to the thrift stores, known as les friperies in Paris. There are tons of tiny shops to explore. Whether you prefer the popular, more expensive stores with 20€ shirts to the non-touristy, economically-friendly stores with Italian and French sourced blazers and sweaters for only 5€—you are sure to find something! I had more luck at the less trendy thrift store, Guerrisol, than the more hip places. Check out the Thrift Shopping in Paris post for a go-to list of shops in the city!

à la fin

Paris is definitely a travel-destination for the books. It’s a beautiful city with lots to do. Let the locals tell it, staying only a week isn’t long enough! In hindsight, I agree–Paris is definitely worth more time. I feel fortunate to have walked the streets of the fine place and looking forward to exploring more of the world. Including a few cultural, art, and nature experiences helped me gain a great appreciation for Paris. If you wanna go deep, you gotta dig. Paris was just the first scoop.

Keywords: things to do in Paris, Paris itinerary, thrift stores in Paris, tours in Paris, Museums in Paris


  • Sequita Bonsu says:

    Woww thank you for the detailed explanation for why we all should visit Paris. I felt like I was on the trip with you, just me attempting to imagine all of the wonderful sights. You definitely toured the right way. The pictures are gorgeous too. I can’t wait to visit. 🤍💕

    • taylordtruths says:

      Thank you for reading ❤️ I know you’d love Paris

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